Thursday, April 28, 2011

i am less

Today, I cried...for reasons, for no reason...because I can and because sometimes, it's what I do.  For some reason after crying, I feel pretty.  Random, I know, yet true nonetheless.  Earlier today it rained...the beautiful rain that makes me happy...where the sun shines down and sometimes, rainbows appear.  When the rain and the tears stopped, I set out on an endeavor in my backyard.  I didn't feel like smiling, but my tripod and my timer captured possibly my favorite self photo ever...

I know right?  I can't believe it either.  Anyhow, I took the pics and played around in Lightroom (photo editing software) a little more than usual.  I'm not usually one to care for super edited photos, but today with my serene mood and pictures of myself, I felt artsy.

When I posted these pics to my personal facebook page, they were immediately greeted with a comment from a girlfriend which stated, "i want your flat stomach. super jeal..."  to which I responded, "i want your skinny legs."  In light of my recent activity, this conversation was perfectly placed.  You see, along with my random endeavor came a bit of self reflection.  I am entitled to these days...I am after all, a girl :)  So, being as I am new to this whole blogging thing and many of you do not know me, I thought I would share...
I am not perfect, and I am THE first to admit it.  Nobody is.  But why is it that we are constantly searching for more?  Why is it that we are always wanting something else?  It doesn't matter how many people tell me I am beautiful, it is my own opinion that matters the most.  As I am sure it is the like with each of you.  Today, much like other days before, I sit and ponder why so much anyway. 

I am a child of God...a very sovereign God who loves me very much, just the way I am.  Today, as always, I am thankful for grace.  And to all you women out there, you are all beautiful...everyone in their own wonderfully complex way.  I would love to photograph more women as individuals, so if you would like to embark on your own personal endeavor, please contact me.

  <3 xoxo <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Life Lessons in Photography?

I first spoke with Kristen a few days before our scheduled session.  She stated that they would need senior portraits taken, however would like to take a few additional together if possible.  After the conversation, I gathered that I would be photographing a male high school senior as well as his family...

It had rained the night before and we really weren't sure as to how limited we would be due to its after effects, however decided to go for it anyway.  I waited for Kristen and her family to arrive at Brown's Island this bleak Saturday morning, guessing as each car passed what to expect.  A single mother and her son?  A family of five children?  Would they bring the dog?

As Kristen and Quinton walked up to introduce themselves, I was reminded of how misguided telephone conversations can be.  You see, Quinton would be graduating from Virginia Union University in May and Kristen was not his mother, but his girlfriend :)  I explained to them what I had anticipated and we shared a laugh as I got to know them a little.  And then we were off...
Weathering the cold plus a few outfit changes behind a blanket in the parking lot, the day turned out to be a successful one...

Just a daily reminder that situations, circumstances...and well, life for that matter...may not always be as they appear.  For now, I suppose the only thing left to say is...Congratulations Quinton!!!